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Other Works    


Bloodless Revolution Ireland's Land Wars 1880's Edward Gayer Irish Journalist 1820-1884

A biography of Edward Gayer, my great grandfather, proprietor editor of the Sligo Champion newspaper 1878 -1885 Ireland.  I review his editorials and articles in the paper he was invited to turn into an organ for Irish Nationalism in Sligo in the West of Ireland. He had to tackle pernicious Organism which dominated all aspects of administration in Sligo, and so he became Sligo’s first Catholic Poor Law Guardian and strongly promoted the election to the Parliamentary seat of Sligo of his friend Thomas Sexton. Gayer was himself a main player in the Irish National Land League with a personal goal to ensure land agitation was constitutional and non violent. He shared monster meeting platforms with most members of the National League Committee, and was himself prosecuted in the first of the State Trials. His Irish American citizenship and competent defence by the young lawyer Moriarty (eventually Attorney General for Ireland) saved him from incarceration.

Management Books

Competitve Edge Through Credit Management - published by Addison Wesley 1991

3D Management Revolution - published in 2020 a new philosophy on how to manage organisations

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In the pipeline



Castle in the Wind                                            romance set in Ireland 1875-1906      

Monique                                                            coming of age set in 1970s London

         The Office in Half Moon Street                          business romance set in the music industry London 1969

Drawers of Sin                                                  contemporary romp in the Pennine Hills                             

The El Mir Contract                                           business conspiracy in the oil industry

         The Hairdresser Murders Series                       continuation of the English Crime Detective series set in Herefordshire:-

                   Short Cut to Murder

                   Lola's Hair           

                   A Hair's Breath                                          



Politics and War Volume

Work and Hollywood Volume    














​​​​​​​​​Mike O'Sullivan - novels, thrillers, crime, romance, poetry, Skibbereens, and the ocassional non fiction book

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